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This is a rare opportunity to create your own special spinner ring from scratch. In this class you will start from scratch using basic silver and goldsmith skills to make your own spinner ring. You’ll be proud to say that you handmade this complex and meaningful ring yourself in just one day!
Attendees of this workshop learn an array of skills and techniques to enable them to go on to do our longer courses. You will get an insight into this incredible, ancient craft with a highly-experienced goldsmith who works within the industry and has an abundance of jewellery-design experience.
Learn goldsmithing
basics hands-on:
Learn through
demonstration and
Optional Extras:
Please contact us directly so we can accommodate your group.
This one-day workshop is from 10am to 5.30pm with an hour for lunch. There is an array of fabulous lunch places to eat with Dublin’s cultural quarter on our doorstep.
Yes, we offer engraving on your ring, it takes 48 hours on week days. You can make it even more special by adding initials or a date. The cost of this is €30 if collected from our city centre shop. Alternatively, shipping is €10 (within Ireland) to €15- €20 (outside of Ireland).