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There are so many different ways to make jewellery, so it’s important to try a few different methods to discover which one you enjoy the most before fully committing to a longer or more specific course. This course is for you if you don’t know where to begin but you wants to dabble in a few different techniques first to see what most peaks your interest and creativity. Our 5 Week Taster Course is designed for the complete beginner or hobby enthusiast. You’ll come away with beautiful, unique silver jewellery pieces handmade entirely by yourself. Each workshop will be taught by different teachers, giving you a wealth of knowledge and showing you a variety of ways to approach jewellery making. As usual, our workshop sizes are small with only 6 in a course group so that we can give you enough attention. This allows you to master different techniques as well as getting to know your group and having more fun!
Course Structure:
Gain an insight into this incredible craft with highly-experienced goldsmiths who work full-time within the industry and have an abundance of jewellery-design experience.
Learn goldsmithing
basics hands-on:
Learn through
demonstration and
Optional Extras:
Yes, we will need to check them first to ensure they are suitable for use in your piece.
You can buy materials including silver and gemstones from us at trade price and the cost depends on what you are making and amount required.